All human beings tell stories. Yet some are better storytellers than others, able to hold an enraptured audience time and time again. Storytelling is a skill that can be learnt and improved upon. Whether you are a novice or an experienced storyteller, I am able to help you select/develop stories as well tell them with more confidence and flair. In particular, many participants of my course, Beyond Storytelling 101 have benefitted greatly from my sharing.
The list of workshops below is a sample of the courses that I conduct. I am willing to adapt these workshops or devise new ones according to the needs of each client. Please email me to discuss content, rates and scheduling.
Available Workshops
- Beyond Storytelling 101
- Spark: How to Tell Personal Stories that Kindle Mind and Spirit
- Story as Catalyst: How to Tell Stories that Motivate, Persuade and Galvanize People
- The ABCs of Oral Storytelling: An Introduction to the Storyteller’s Craft
- The Animated Reader: How to ‘Wow’ Your Listeners When Reading Aloud
- The Storyteller’s Core
- The Storyteller’s Voice
- Treasured Tongues: How to Become a Teller with a Thousand Voices